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Quasardb.Exceptions Namespace

Public classQdbAliasAlreadyExistsException
Exception thrown when the specified entry already exists in the database.
Public classQdbAliasNotFoundException
Exception thrown when an entry cannot be found in the database.
Public classQdbColumnException
Exception throw when an error concerns a time-series column.
Public classQdbColumnNotFoundException
Exception thrown when an entry cannot be found in the database.
Public classQdbConnectionException
Exception thrown when the connection to the database caused an error.
Public classQdbEmptyColumnException
Exception thrown when an entry cannot be found in the database.
Public classQdbException
Base class of all quasardb exceptions
Public classQdbIncompatibleTypeException
Exception thrown when the specified entry has a type incompatible for this operation.
Public classQdbInputException
Exception thrown when the input of a command caused an error.
Public classQdbInvalidArgumentException
Exception thrown when an argument passed to a method is incorrect.
Public classQdbLocalSystemException
Exception thrown when the local (ie client) operating system caused an error.
Public classQdbOperationException
Exception thrown when an operation caused an error.
Public classQdbOutOfBoundsException
Exception thrown when the given index in out of bounds.
Public classQdbProtocolException
Exception thrown when an error is detected in the quasardb protocol.
Public classQdbQueryException
Exception thrown when the input of a query caused an error.
Public classQdbRemoteSystemException
Exception thrown when the remote (ie server) operating system caused an error.
Public classQdbResourceLockedException
Exception thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the entry is locked.
Public classQdbSystemException
Exception thrown when the operating system caused an error.